Staff Sergeant(SSG) Cory Bonebrake and Sergeant(SGT) Jolene Liedberg were joined in holy matrimony tonight at one of the Fort Lewis chapels. They had planned to get married after the deployment but they changed their minds and moved the date up by a year. As soon as we found out, we were busy planning to ensure the wedding would be a memorable one.
First, it started out with a bachelor and bachelorette parties last night. Parties were held for the couple in the their respective World War II barracks and will certainly be ones to remember since only non-alcoholic beverages were served! The guys had fun taping SSG Bonebrake to one of the posts and feeding him a concoction of baby food, Worcestershire sauce and whipping cream. This information was only received second hand since none of us females were in the male barracks. The ladies treated SGT Liedberg much better by having lots of great treats and a game to play. Lots of TP was used to decorate the bays.
The following day, we had lots of people involved...even our Unit Movement Officer: Lieutenant(LT) Samuel! LT: Thanks for driving the gals around to pick up all the stuff! The wedding was suppose to kick off at 7:30pm, however, there were still Soldiers coming in the door and the processional music had to stop. Finally, everyone was settled and the bride was ready to go. We (some of the female Soldiers) escorted her down the aisle and passed her over to SSG Bonebrake. Chaplain Rittmaster asked, "Who gives this bride" and we all shouted, "We do"! The Chaplain's remarks were not lost on the attendees as he talked about the couple not being allowed to spend their wedding night together. Of course, the entire company broke into laughter. Luckily, the couple is going on pass this weekend.
After the ceremony, Cannonball drove the couple in a decorated car to building 6D12. Another fine building that we get to occupy! The gals had taped off the floor to create a dance area and had the cake and pop ready to go. Once the couple arrived, they shared in their couple's dance and cake cutting. A couple of the female Soldiers broke out their lighted Yo Yo's and had a mini performance of their newly acquired skills.
As happy as I was for the newly married couple, I was excited to see my own husband and daughter since I started my pass following the wedding.
The ceremony.
Blowing bubbles...yes, you see it here...
SSG and SGT Bonebrake!
Cannonball the chauffeur.
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