One of the rock bands from the 34th Infantry Division.
Master Sergeant Klinkner walking by the volley ball courts.
We held a fundraiser for the Family Readiness Group. The Commanders and First Sergeants were good sports. I donated to the cause and got MAJ Riha.

Of course, the Boss Man turned around and got Sergeant Major Bartkey and myself!
The parade consisted of four floats. This one was submitted by the Corps of Engineers!
Our float!
We had some great island music blaring from the speakers and Sergeant First Class Pietcsh won the judges over with his island dance. We won first place but the next day, we were disqualified since we didn't have a red, white and blue theme.
The G1 Section's float.
Major Rosha, my partner in horse shoes. He's a lawyer and one funny guy. If only all lawyers could be like him! Even with his perfect form, we didn't win. I suck at horse shoes.
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