November 11, 2009

Veteran's Day

Chaplain Mike Lotzer asked if I would be one of the speakers at our Veteran's Day ceremony. He asked us to share our thoughts on what the word veteran means to us. This is what I had to say:

Webster’s Dictionary defines the word veteran as a person who has served in the armed forces or an experienced person; someone who has given long service.

For me, the image of a veteran has changed over the years. First it was the older men that I knew like my Grandfather Dart, a WWII veteran who was blind in one eye and insisted on being allowed to join the Army. After I joined the military, it was Soldiers I knew who had deployed during Desert Storm; such as my good friend Tracey. She would tell stories of her time as a MP and spoke fondly of what a life changing experience it was. Following 9/11, I watched supervisors, peers, subordinates and friends leave for Afghanistan and Iraq and wondered, if I too, would one day join the ranks of those that call themselves veterans.

It wasn’t until 2007, when I was assisting with some details of the Veteran’s Field Dedication Day in Minnetonka, MN, I was asked to be included in the program as a veteran from the Army National Guard. I told the organizer I couldn’t since I hadn’t deployed and he replied, “You’re a service member, aren’t you?” “Yes, I am,” I replied. “Well, you’re a veteran.”

So, I submit to you this: If you are a service member and REGARDLESS of the deployments you may or may not have experienced, you are a veteran. If you support the United States and what it stands for, you are a veteran. If you have sacrificed your life for others to protect our freedom, you are a veteran.

As one veteran back home stated, “This deployment has been hard on me. I didn't like being left behind. At least for those that have the proud heart of being a Soldier, it's been tough.”

It’s all about what’s in your heart.

THANK YOU SERVICE MEMBERS! A special thanks to my military friends who I have shared this journey, both at home and here!

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