August 15, 2009

This Ain't Northwest Airlines

I've been counting down the days for the last month and finally, I'm leaving for R&R! Or so I thought....

For once, I was packed four nights prior to leaving. I have a few items I purchased and I'm bringing my laundry I've been hand washing since 1 April. I figured a good washing in a machine was better than my garbage pail. One duffel bag and one carry on. Not too bad, I'm thinking.

I arrived at the PAX terminal at 0930 with my gear and started the long wait. The rule is; you must arrive three hours prior to any flight in the event the flight arrives sooner.

I checked my duffle bag in and moved to the tent (gate) to wait with the other Soldiers and contractors trying to leave this place. SKA's travel assistant came in at 1240 to tell us our flight had been canceled and we needed to pick up our luggage. Great-NOT. So I find my duffle bag on the pallet outside, call the orderly room for a ride and wait outside.

About 10 minutes go by and a Soldier comes out and tells us to come back in, they might put us on the next flight. Back to the checkout counter I go with my duffle bag. Oh, I forgot to mention, I'm also lugging around my body armor and helmet all this time.

The guy scans my ID again and back to the tent I go. I'm hungry and I didn't bring any snacks. Good thing there are Meals Ready to Eat (MRE) abound in the terminal. I dig through one and find crackers and peanut butter. Long ago, I quit eating them if I didn't have to. I'd have to be close to starvation to actually eat any of the meal packets.

We wait and wait. Finally, at 1700 (5pm) , we put on our body armor, grab our carry ons, load the bus and drive to the flight line to await the arrival of the C130. The bird was in the air and we knew it was only a 30-35 minute flight from their last location. I look at my watch. It doesn't look good since we've been waiting at least 45 minutes. Sure enough, the travel assistant tells us the plane was circling overhead but due to the visibility, it had to turn back.

Back to the tent we go. He tells us they will try and put us on the next flight. So we wait and wait. At 1930, he tells us the flight was canceled and is moved to the 17th. What the Hell?!!!! This bites!!!! Back to the pallet we go to pick up our duffel bags.

I call the unit. This is no surprise to the Soldier, who answers the phone that I haven't left. It happens ALL the time. Now, it's personal.

I wanted to leave this place so bad and now I’m stuck. This place sucks!


  1. Maybe this is Iraq's way of telling you how much they like you and don't want you to go!

    By the way - even Northwest Airlines ain't Northwest Airlines anymore!

    Wishing you safe travels.

  2. That would have really been bad. And I thought our troubles were bad, but at least we weren't stuck there in Iraq when everything went downhill for us.

    Keep your chin up, and soon you will be home relaxing with family and sipping a glass of wine.
