1015 Report to the terminal
1230 Standing on the flight line wearing my body armor with my stuffed duffel bag on my back and my stuffed back pack on my front. Not sure how long I stood in the afternoon sun with all my gear but it was long enough that my uniform was soaked through and my back was aching. Finally, we walk single file to load the C17. This was a packed flight since we were riding with 2/4 Brigade Combat Team (BCT) Soldiers who were leaving the COB for good.
I make my way to the middle of the plane and the crew member indicates to me that I can sit in the middle. Let me add…with my bags. I’m sitting in a seat that my knees touch the seat in front of me, my backpack is at my feet and my duffle bag is on my lap. Honestly, I thought I was sweating before? !!! Now, I’m sweating and I feel closed in so I have to start taking slow breaths as not to get claustrophobic. I keep thinking to myself that this is a short pain for having to go home.
We arrive at Ali Al Salem and start the out-process for R&R. This means a lot of toting bags and body armor around until we get everything settled. Our next show time is 1800 (6pm) for briefings.
18 August 2009
0730 Report for additional briefings.
1230 Report with all of our gear. Now we are on ‘lock down’. More briefings. Start processing through the military customs. I will never complain about going through customs again in a civilian setting. I had to dump ALL of my bags onto a table for the inspector to go through. This is when I realize I’ve made a really serious mistake bringing my duffel bag and back pack.
About 3 hours later, we prepare to move to Kuwait airport. Prior to getting on the bus, the ‘Travel Agent’ states that we shouldn’t put anything in the luggage compartments under the bus and to keep our bags on our laps. What??? We have an hour long bus ride to the airport which turned into a 2 hour ordeal since we waited to load the aircraft.
The Travel Agent boards the bus and states when we load the plane, we must keep our bags on our laps. This has got to be some kind of sick joke. I have sat all cramped up and now I have a long flight ahead of me?!
We load the plane. Once everyone is on, we are given the green light to put our stuff away. Then we sit back and listen to the flight attendants as they give their safety brief. The best part: The Deep Vein Thrombosis warning. “Make sure you move your legs by stretching and walking around the cabin.” I need to speak with my travel agent about the bag on the lap…I’m thinking I’m a prime candidate for this problem since I’ve been squished for almost 3 hours.
2000 (8pm) Plane takes off.
19 August 2009
0230 Arrive in Leipzig, Germany. We’re told we’ll only be there for 1 ½ hours. NOT! The plane has some kind of hydraulic problem and the part has to be flown in.
2100 (9pm) Depart Leipzig
8 hours later….
2300 (11pm) Arrive Atlanta, Georgia. Since our flight was delayed, we have all missed our connecting flights. I was able to secure a flight to Minnesota after much angst.
20 August 2009
0630 Depart Atlanta, Georgia
0800 Arrive Minneapolis/St Paul International Airport…we were applauding!
…..and then, I was crying as I saw my family.
Scott, our neighbor of 7 years when we lived in Apple Valley, was there to take pictures. He’s part of Operation Love Reunited. Fantastic photographer!
More than words can say, I was so happy to be home. Over the course of my 15 days of leave, here are some of the highlights:
Celebrated 17 year anniversary! Thanks Hubby! We celebrated with our friends, Tom and Carla and Chip and Cheryl, at Pazzaluna in St Paul for a wonderful dinner.
Spent time with my parents; Mom and Spud and Dad and Mary Lou.
Dad and Mary Lou held a barbeque with the Lambert family! What a beautiful day, great company, great food and great wine!
Went to Solimar for some much needed beauty treatment: nails, eyebrows and hair. Lynner came along to watch and have her hair done.
SHOUT OUT!!! Visited Dr Kevin Ventrucci’s office in Apple Valley for dental treatment. While I was in Iraq, one of my molars cracked and I required a crown. My insurance had changed so his office was working the preauthorization. Upon arrival, I found out that he is not part of the network and my insurance would pay a big, fat zero! Great. I asked if he would at least look at it and provide advice on the temporary fix. Would this fix last until my return? With no hesitation, Dr Ventrucci took care of my crown with no charge.
Lyndsey had her own dental visit. She got braces! Red, White and Blue rubber bands just for me!
Lyndsey and I got to spend a lot of time alone: School shopping, Renaissance Festival, Bike riding, went to see Julie and Julia at the movie theater.
As a family and with our second daughter, Chelsey, we spent 4 days and 3 nights at the cabin on Lake George. My parents, Mom and Spud, have been remodeling the place since 2008. Prior to my leaving they had told me about their plans to make the tool shed a bunk house. What a ‘bunk house’ it is! It was as if I was staying in a lodge room on Lake Superior! Beautiful, absolutely beautiful!
Visited the General and all my friends at my old work place.
Had two fantastic meals at Donny and Robin’s (Wine included).
Lunch with Tracey on Grand Avenue. We shopped later only to find out that one of my favorite stores, Smith and Hawkins, had closed nationwide.
Spent time with Brian and Lynner just hanging out.
And of course, worked in my garden and stared at my flowers.
There wasn’t time to see everyone that I would have liked. Two weeks goes by too fast. But you can bet, I’ll have time when I get home in 2010!
It was the best seeing my family. They have been the steadfast support during this deployment and I couldn’t be doing this without them.
Love you!
My daughter and her friend, Chelsey, made the homecoming cake.

Dressing up for the Renaissance Festival.
Lyndsey and her good friend Chelsey driving the lawn mower everywhere.
The tool shed.
The remodeled room.
Going out to dinner for my last night home.

Going back and holding my girl's hand for the last time until my return.
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