The last item is technically from my wife - you'll understand why when you see it. I was talking to her a while back and mentioned the story on your blog about all of you lady-folk scorching yourselves on the porta-potties. She looked at me and said, "She needs a Go-Girl. Send her one". I am not one to disobey my wife, so the items in the padded envelope are the result of her directive. (While placing my order, I mentioned that it was for a friend in Iraq. They doubled the order and threw in some promotional items for free!) May these items aid you in your quest to avoid biffy-burn.
So Paul, I haven’t had the chance to use one and maybe I’m scared of how well it would work. I could just see someone asking, “Why are your boots wet?” However, we had a good laugh when I opened one of the tubes and out popped the “Go-Girl”! It was just like a Jack-in-the-box coming out of that tube! I opened this during our Friday at 5 event and the room was in a roar.
My roommate coordinated a Sunday get-together for today with some of the other women on the COB. We met for coffee at Holy Joes. Every week there are improvements to the COB and one such improvement is the construction of our chaplain’s tent. This tent is used for a multitude of purposes from classes, bible study, watching football games, crafts and meeting with friends for coffee. They finished the tent in August and part of the completion required the tent to be sprayed with foam. This keeps the tent cool; however, it makes for an ugly color.
One of the stories shared by a fellow officer was her response to the IDF alarm going off one morning. She told us about her AC not working in her trailer so she was sleeping with hardly any clothes on when the alarm sounded. She jumped up from the bed and grabbed her body armor to throw on. It was then that she realized the body armor was all she was wearing on top. We laughed at the picture of her lying on her floor with her body armor on and underwear. BTW, it was a false alarm. You just never know what interesting situations you’ll find yourself in Iraq!
The Holy Joes tent or otherwise known as the Twinkie.
Inside the tent. To the right is the plasma TV to watch the football games!
Fellow officers.
GOGIRL Don't Take Life Sitting Down at
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