For this morning’s 10k Ghost Run, our company was responsible for the planning and set up. The Anoka, Minnesota, Ghost Run sponsored our T-shirts so a big “Shout Out” for their sponsorship! We had well over 100 runners.
I got up at 0430 to prep with my makeup and out the door I went. Registration started at 0500 and I wanted to grab a few pictures while we were still fresh. It was really humid so I knew my costume was going to be sweaty by the time I was done. About a ¼ of the runners were wearing costumes and I brought a few extra headpieces for fellow Soldiers to wear.
The run started and Coach and I were off. We had a good time and the run went well. I’m sure some of the local nationals were amazed by our attire. Good fun had by all….I only wish I had gotten a ride in the Bat Mobile!
HAPPY HALLOWEEN to all my family and friends! Love you and miss you!
The Battalion Commander (BC) and Batman
BC checking out Batman's abs!
Me and Batman
We laughed and laughed about Robin's costume. Definitely 2 sizes too small!
Staff Sergeant Flowers and Navy Dave
Ciceron the Chicken!
With Chief Jensen and BC
The bottle girls!
One the Bat Mobile!
Medical Team
He definitely needs to start running!
My running partner, Coach! Showing up as a coach! We had just completed the run...the makeup didn't hold up so well.
Pipi Longstockings
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