A new addition to COB Basra is The Oasis. This place offers civilians and military members, living on the COB, an opportunity to purchase items from local nationals. And if you’re interested, even have the opportunity to ride a camel! The area is surrounded by the gray T-walls, but once you walk through the entrance, it’s almost like a little bit of heaven in this God-forsaken country. One entire length of T-walls is painted on the inside and overhead is a sunscreen to filter some of the hot sun. There are approximately 8 vendors with typical mini-mall type shops and vendors who can set up for the day under huts.
MAJ Riha bought some bread from one of the vendors. He purchased three big pieces of bread for a buck. All I was thinking…did the guy wash his hands when he was making it?!!! Yes, I did end up tasting it and it was definitely good. Maybe next time, I’ll try riding the camel.

The Oasis entrance

The courtyard

Nice pond, however, no goldfish

The place Major Riha purchased the bread for us to try. The bread is on top of the blue cloth.

A man and his camel.

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