March 10, 2009


I got to the hotel in Tacoma about 10pm. Too late to have a beer since the Chinese place next door had closed. So I opened up my computer to finish some emails and that's when I noticed how filthy my computer had gotten in the course of a month. All I could think about is how I have been breathing in all that dirt floating around in that dirty World War II office. It didn't seem that bad when I was actually there but after removing myself from the situation, OMG! Mom, where are you when I need you to help clean. I fell asleep waiting for Bri and Lyndsey to was great to see them once they did!

Sleep. What a wonderful thing. I don't remember what time we all woke up but I certainly felt better than I had in days. Took a shower without having to wear flip flops! We drove to Seattle and had a wonderful lunch at Ivars on one of the piers. I enjoyed some really great beer that is brewed in Seattle; Manney's. Spent some of the afternoon walking around, looking at the sites and then a trip to the Space Needle. Our hotel was only a few blocks off the main action so we had lots of choices for activities and dining.

More sleep...I can't seem to get enough. Drove through the Cascade Mountains to Leavenworth, WA; A small German town with great shops, great food and beer. The ride to and from was a bit to be desired with snow on the way there and a full blown snow storm on the way back. Brian wasn't too keen on my telling him how to drive! :) Sorry, Hubby!

Birthday the next day. Kept thinking throughout the day, "Where does time go"? I only hope it goes this fast once I'm in Iraq. We went to the Seattle Aquarium and I got to see my first giant octopus...that was cool. Bri and Lyndsey brought me to dinner at the Capitol Grille. I had a really great steak and topped it off with champagne and crème brûlée at the end!

I think I must have slept 10 hours this time. After checking out, we took a Monday drive and stopped at a few towns on the way. Later, when Bri and Lynner brought me back, I signed in and we sat in the car. I didn't want to see them go and once again, it really sucked. It was terrible knowing that I wouldn't be seeing them for a long time. I'm really beginning to realize how much I've taken for granted whether it's being able to sleep in my own bed, wear civilain clothes, shower without flip flops or most of all, spend time with my family. As Brian wrote to me, there have been countless Soldiers before me but now, it is personal. Yes indeed, this year will be very personal to our family.

On the pig at Pike's Market.

The Space Needle. Brian and Lyndsey were frustrated with me since I was trying some different settings with the camara. I took about 8 pictures to get this one.

At the top! Talking to Mr. Don!

Birthday Dinner


  1. I wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday on Sunday, your actual birthday, but knew you'd be busy with Bri and Lyndsey. Now I can tell you Happy Birthday! Glad you had a great one. knew you would. The last picture of you and Lyndsey is beautiful. Your Dad and I will have to get a copy of that. You should be on your was to Iraq now, and I'm praying for your save travel there. Our skype camera is on and running when you have a chance to call us.
    Happy travels Kristen, love you, Mary Lou

  2. Hey Red -

    just wanted you to know we all toasted you on sunday for your birthday and then said a prayer for you on Friday. Sounds like you had a great time in Seattle, love the pictures. isn't it funny how Lynner is taller than Brian!

    Glad to hear you arrived safely overseas, looking forward to your next posting.

    Love ya Red!
