February 25, 2009

Another Visit!

Last night Bri got to visit me again. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to go off post so we "dined" at the Pizza Hut in the food court. Even though the surroundings were less than desirable, it was great to see him. He brought some of the cards that friends and family have sent so I had a chance to look through them. He also brought a little plaster cast of Lexie's paw print. That's when I lost it... unbelievable how much I miss my dog. Brian and I had a good chat about everything going on back in the hood and how him and Lyndsey are adapting to my absence. From the sounds of it, Lyndsey has really stepped up with cleaning her room and washing her clothes. If I had only known that's what it would take to get her to clean, I should have deployed sooner! (just kidding, peanut girl!)

Today, I reported to the range to fire my M4 with the Close Combat Optics (CCO). I LOVE my M4! However, with all of my new equipment and having to wear my ballistic eye wear with inserts, it took longer than usual for me to lock in a good iron site zero. I feel like a turtle in this body armor especially with the shoulder pieces. I can hardly lift my arms to put on my helmet so I have to remember to put my helmet on first. I've forgotten a couple of times and than I have to ask for help or start the process all over again.

Speaking of shoulders, my small pox shot never amounted to anything but some of the Soldiers have these nasty, swollen, oozing sores. They are suppose to let them "air out" so they walk around with their sleeve rolled up to expose the site. Gross!

Private First Class (PFC) Stedman AKA: Cannonball and PFC Wiebold showing off their guns!

Our Company Commander: Major David Riha

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